The Magic of Flower Essences
Flower Essences introduce their higher vibration into our body. As energetic beings, we can respond on so many levels to the increase in positive energy.
Flower essenes can help us to remember our truest selves, to take responsibility for our physical, mental and emotional growth and to be more in tune with the underlying beliefs that can keep us recycling negative life experiences in our present moments.
Over time, flower, gem and sacred place essences can assist us in creating very real changes in how we feel about ourselves, how we express our emotions, our personality and our joy.

About Rhoni
Hi I’m Rhoni- a Certified Flower Essence Practitioner, creative poet and artist. During my 20 year journey with Flower Essences I have traveled deep within to uncover truths I had pushed away and forgotten. I blossomed into a woman who was willing to see all aspects of myself and let go of those that weren't in alignment with my truth.
As a practitioner, I guide my clients through their Flower Essence journey to understand that their strength and wholeness doesn't come from any outward event or person. It is found in Inner Knowing of Oneself. Hidden in your Heart's Knowing is the peace and contentment you seek. It is Ever-Present and waits for you.

Creating a Flower Essence
There are choices we make in each moment of our life that define our day, our energy, our mood and our experiences.
Flower essences are liquid extracts of the energetic vibration of a flower. Each flower has it's own unique energetic pattern that influences us in a particular way. Once put into the water the flower's unique pattern is released into every water molecule in the bowl.
I have found that taking the right combination of essences helped me to take a step back in a present moment experience and become an observer of the situation rather then quickly reacting.
Flower essence subtle yet powerful influences could assist in changing patterns, emotional reactions and un-serving beliefs. They can work to harmonize our body, mind and spirit so we may live in accordance with our divine nature.
Flower essences in the sprays along with therapeutic and organic essential oils can also help us make more relaxed and informed choices in our daily life.
Flower Essence Sprays
I believe in the power of my sprays. The combination of Flower, Gem, Vibrational and Sacred Place essences along with organic and therapeutic grade essential oils enhances the healing potential of each spray. I gratefully received the formulas for these sprays through a combination of meditation and knowledge.
The higher vibration of these sprays could assist one in converting troubling thoughts into higher understanding.

Empowerment Collection
Begin with Clearing then together Self Love, Fear Not and I AM Enough could reveal layers of positive and negative beliefs and stories you hold within. Having a support system in this process along with these sprays could assist you in developing more self confidence, letting go of fears and understanding you, like everyone else, have personal gifts to share.

Inner-Act Sprays
Use these new Inner-Act sprays to connect with your Inner Guidance. 2020 into 2021 has awakened Fears in many people~ but with a purpose~to send us inward to find and solidify our understanding of who we truly are, what brings us joy, love and what activates our pain and judgement.
These sprays are powerful tools to help guide you inward to recognize your Self Worth as well as assist in helping you be more Peaceful, Present, Centered, Brave and Directed.
"Your priceless gift is incredibly helpful in establishing and strengthening connection to Inner Guidance. As I like to say, "An inward-bound" journey is most challenging, but also incredibly meaningful." N M

Flower Essence Collection
Each Essence consists of the unique pattern and vibration of a flower, gem or place released into double filtered water. Using flower essences releases the particular flower's pattern and vibration to the individual.
In my experience, Flower essences are a force for change. Through flower essence sessions and your personal essence there is a potential for more awareness of the underlying reasons for your feelings, reactions and actions. Awareness is the first step to change that which no longer serves you.
Let go of past trauma and pain to live more calmly, joyfully and boldly in the present.

Sacred Egyptian Sprays and Essences
Sacred Egyptian Essences were created in 2008 and 2010 by connecting to the energies that inhabit the inner sanctums of the sacred sites of Ancient Egypt.
Each God and Goddess of Egypt are Energy Archetypes and embody the frequencies of the Neters (Dieties) of mystical Egypt.
Helping us to remember that these aspects are within us and make up our Divine Self.