Stable, Balanced, Present
Essential Oils
Balsam Fir- Stablizing and uplifting, assists during changing times.
Geranium- Relax the mind, calm agitation, ease frustration & irritability. Add more joy & acceptance.
Lavender- Calming, uplifting, more positive, more composed and balanced emotionally.
Orange- Uplifting, anti-anxiety, increase peace and happiness.
Rose- Boosts self esteem, confidence and mental strength. Helps with depression and anxiety.
Vetiver- Deeply relaxing with a calm reassurance. Reduces nervous tension, depression and stress.
White Pine- Soothes, calms, encourages soft, gentle self reflection as it protects from negative energy.
Flower Essences
Balsam Fir- Balanced and grounded with inspiration, clears negativity..
Nervous System- Helps balance and soothe an over stimulated Nervous System, supports healthy neurological functioning
Quakeing Aspen- Mother Courage, Fearlessness in face of the unknown, doing what needs to be done.
Red Cedar- Assists in trusting the “wise one” within. Courage, strength and wisdom. Going for it!
Red Oak- Helps one experience the totality of their being, assists in exploring new talents, horizons or aspects of oneself.
White Pine- helps one be calmer, clearer, more grounded, relaxed, centered and focused. Assistance in getting back on track.