Open Your Heart to Love and Trust
Essential Oils
Geranium- Relax the mind, calms agitation, eases frustration and irritability adding more joy and acceptance.
Rose- Boosts self esteem, confidence and mental strength. Can help relieve depression and anxiety.
Violet- Creation energy, unconditional love, enhances clarity, expansiveness and transformation.
Flower Essences
Amma DB flowers ’07 & ’13- Assistance in clearing emotional blocks in the heart, receive and give more love.
Golden Amaranthus- Letting go of over control and creating more ease and flow in life.
Vibrational Essence
Violet Flame- Carries the energy of St. Germaine. Assistance in clearing lower thought forms. Connection to the I AM Presence and Ascended Masters of Mt. Shasta
Neem Karoli Baba- Stop looking for answers anywhere but Within
in deep connection to your Heart and Light. Try not to get involved with drama, it doesn’t serve you. Your struggles, victories, indifferences, enthusiasm and love all draws you towards the Light. Steady your Heart and Mind!
Gem Essence
Moldavite- Connecting to higher understanding of the Self, assistance to stay present in the moment while accessing what we need to fully express our earthly potential, eases spiritual fears.