Clear your Mind for Quiet Contemplation and Peace
Essential Oils
Lavender- Calming, uplifting, more positive and more composed.
Frankincense- Deeply clarifying and calming affect on the intellect, promotes positive attitude & awareness, releases unworthiness, insecurity and fears. Focuses our spiritual consciousness, good for meditation.
Grapefruit- Relieves stress, calming, balancing and uplifting to the mind.
Rosemary- Calm, relaxed, may help restore purpose and direction by strengthening self identity.
Spikenard- Balancing, calming, grounding, reduces stress, nervous tension, insecurity & anxiety.
Vetiver- Deeply relaxing with a calm reassurance. Reduces nervous tension, depression and stress.
Flower Essences
Angelica- Assists in sealing the energy field compromised from stress or worry, more in touch with the Angelic realm.
Clearing essence- Energy within settles & attached energies clear away. Feel more relaxed, centered and peaceful.
Lemon Balm- For deeper relaxation of the mind and assistance in releasing emotions.
White Pine- Helps one center, ground, relax and focus. Assists in being more balanced. An essence of Golden Light
Pennyroyal- Assistance in quieting recycling thoughts.
Place Essence
Divine Child Pyramid- Made in Egypt, assistance in reacquainting oneself with the Divinity and the childlike joy within.