Knowing What to Keep and What to Let Go of, Clarity of Purpose and Emotions. Clears the Energy in and Around You
Angelica- Presence and Truth. It is all right in front of you, but one must relax, trust and develop their Inner Knowing. Also being okay with who you are and fearlessly being yourself
Bellflower-2020 This plant has always shown us it is about the union of Divine Energy and Earthly embodiment and with that connection- being Fearless. This essence is about trust, clarity and dropping comparisons as well as unserving beliefs. Using Heart Vision to find Unity. To Trust and know without a doubt that all is well no matter how it may look on the outside.
Bermudiana- Calming, clearing and can help reduce stress and anxiety. Carries a feeling of reconnection to whatever is your vision of the Divine may be.
Fleabance- I bring strength, flexibility and more joy. I have a cleansing action by raising one’s vibration to spin out that which keeps them stuck. I bring in more positivity. I am Soft and Firm. I can assist one to be more playful and accepting.
Hobblebush~ brings balance, helps one relax, enjoy and let go.
Yarrow~ protection from and clearing of energies taken in from one’s environment.
Lady’s Mantle~ integrity, assistance in being more certain of self, clarity of emotions and thought.
White Cedar~ assistance in clearing and releasing negativity. Protecting and purifying.
White Pine~helps one center, ground, relax and focus. Assists in being more stable and balanced.