Assistance to Calm the Mind and Focus your Attention to Accomplish your Goals
Essential Oils
Cedarwood~strength, confidence, grounding and concentration to complete tasks we do not want to do.
Clary Sage~uplifting & grounding, calms the mind, enlivens the senses, restores confidence & courage.
Laurel Leaf~helps one have more energy and confidence. Helps with concentration and memory.
Lemon~enhances learning, invigorating, uplifting and enhances a postitive mood.
Peppermint~alertness, cooling the body & the mind, enhancing memory.
Rose~boosts self esteem, confidence and mental strength. Helps with depression and anxiety.
Flower Essences
Blueberry~ helps the focusing process by keeping the mind still during activity. Accuracy and precision may improve.
Blue Vervain~ helps to relax over achievers, calms to help one be more directed and balanced.
Madia~ promotes precise thinking, disciplined focus & concentration.
Star Jasmine~ helps one think more clearly, increases insight, opens the intellect to be more in touch with intuition.
Tansy~ Helps with procrastination and with changing habits that undermine real abilities and talents.
White Pine~helps one center, ground, relax and focus. Assists in being more stable and balanced.
Gem Essence
Sulfur~mental balance & clarity. Improves memory, recall and may aid those involved with intense mental activities.